Who are you beyond what you do?

Defining, strengthening and empowering YOU

If you can't confidently declare 5 traits that define you, this course is for you. In today's world, we get so lost in comparing ourselves to others that we don't spend the time getting to know ourselves and finding the beauty in our unique traits. Learn how to define your true self and discover the inner strength you never knew you had. Identify your passions and dreams and learn how to integrate them in your life. Learn how to believe in yourself more and remove the toxic relationships that clog your greatest potential from evolving. Work through these discoveries with a group of like-minded cohorts as we support and coach each other through each module. This course is life-changing, as long as you're ready to change.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Empowering You

    • Introduction
  • 2

    Defining You

    • Defining You
  • 3

    Well-Rounded Health

    • Well-Rounded Health
  • 4

    Believing in Yourself

    • Belief
  • 5

    Passions and Dreams

    • Passions
  • 6

    Surrounding Yourself Wisely

    • Surrounding Yourself Wisely
  • 7

    Making a Plan

    • Making a Plan
  • 8


    • Recap


  • How long is this course?

    There are eight modules with 3-5 lessons per module. Each module will be released one by one on the Sunday of a new week. You can work at your own pace.

  • Is this course 100% online?

    Yes. All the course information is online. There will also be a private online discussion board to meet and network with cohorts, sharing the information you learned with coaching opportunities throughout the eight weeks.

  • Who is this course designed for?

    Anyone who wants to empower themselves by learning more about who they are, seizing confidence in being that person in all environments, and aligning life with their passions and dreams. It's about learning how to be the best version of you.

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